I am the Walrus, you are the eggman.

May 10, 2009 05:14

Who: Char and open
What: Being a lazy bum.
When: After lunch.
Where: By the Lake.
Rating: C for Chilling Abuse.

Charity was by the lake, lying under the sun, chilling. Her hair was done up in a messy bun, her robe was lying five feet away and her tie was wrapped around a tree branch. Sometimes even Reverends' daughters need to cut loose, okay? Stop staring, you're going to swallow a fly. Anyway, Char was just lying there, all leggy and awesome, doing whatever typical stuff you do when you chill. Except, she made it hotter. Opening one eye to peek at the sun, which was still right there, in the same place it was when she first started chilling, oh joy.

She wondered why time wasn't passing by any faster. Then she started reciting the lyrics to The Beatles' "I am a Walrus".
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