Art Prompt Title: 1030
Art link:
Art MasterlistArtist:
whimsycatcher Fic Title:
Touch My Skin to Keep Me WholeAuthor:
skitz_phenomCharacters/Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Gwaine, Percival, OCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 64k
Warnings: Violence, graphic depictions of torture (whipping). Briefly hinted threat of non-con (verbal).
Summary: The Kingdom of Essetir has once again fallen under new rule, and Arthur travels to visit its new king, determined to make peace. Unfortunately peace is the furthest thing from this new king’s mind. Arthur and Merlin are forced to navigate his every attempt to make Arthur a scapegoat in starting a war between Camelot and Essetir. The new king is treacherous though, and he may have just found the one weakness that will force Arthur’s hand. Note: AU Post Season 4