Things Nevere Happen The Same Way Twice (OT4, Arthur/Gwen, M)

Apr 22, 2014 07:58

Art Prompt Title: #2004
Art link: Art Masterlist
Artist: nusseis

Fic Title: Things Never Happen the Same Way Twice
Author: side_steppings
Characters/Pairings: OT4, Arthur/Gwen, Knights, Cenred, Agravaine, Full Cast
Rating: Mature
Word Count: ~18k
Warnings: Future AU, Character Death, Some torture, Reincarnation Fic

Summary: Gwen and Arthur are in hiding whilst a magical war is being waged beyond the mountains. Gwen is tired, disturbed by dreams of faces and places she has no recollection of meeting or visiting and Arthur is determined to protect his people and venture beyond the mountains to fight in the war.
All is well until Arthur is captured by enemy forces and Gwen is left to find him whilst piecing together what her visions mean, and beginning to understand that this is not the first time she has lived this life.
Arthur is in his cell when Merlin appears to heal his wounds and explain what is happening. But Merlin has wandered the Earth for too many years and is withdrawn, still not certain that Arthur is his destiny.
With Morgana on her way, Merlin is determined to make a change this time around and not fail in his destiny.
Of course, things never happen the same way twice …

pairing: arthur/gwen, !round 3, rating: r

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