‘Practical Adventures and Auspicious Pursuits’ by stillane (English & German version)

Feb 01, 2012 05:37


Title: Practical Adventures and Auspicious Pursuits
Author: stillane
Reader: erica_schall
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG
File info: mp3, 36MB, 35:56 or m4b, 18MB

Summary: It might be good to be the king, but some days it sucks to be the prince.

Download: mp3 (36 MB) or m4b (18.7 MB) at mediafire
Permanent Links: mp3 or m4b at the audiofic archive



Title: Praktische Abenteuer und verheißungsvolle Verfolgungsjagden (link leads to translation on merlin_de)
Author: stillane
Translator: erica_schall
Translation beta: lame_pegasus
Reader: erica_schall
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG
File info: mp3, 39MB, 38:18 or m4b, 20MB

Zusammenfassung: Schön und gut wenn man König ist, aber an manchen Tagen nervt es einfach der Prinz zu sein.

Download: mp3 (39.5 MB) or m4b (20 MB) at mediafire
Permanent Links: mp3 or m4b at the audiofic archive


Reader's note:
Thank you so much to lame_pegasus for her help with the translation! I never would have imagined it to be so much work to translate such a rather short text.
Also a big thank you to stillane trusting me enough to actually have a go at not only translating her fanfic but also reading it in both languages!

(cross-posted to amplificathon and merlin_de)

file: mp3, language: german, archived, reader: erica_schall, file: podbook (m4b)

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