drastically redefining protocol: the wedding

May 09, 2011 22:02

 happy coincidences unite! both revolutionaryjo  and I were podding DRP's Wedding, and so beta-ed each other's version and present them to you now! Wheee!!


credit tomklutz   for revolutionaryjo 's cover!

Title: drastically redefining protocol wedding 
Author: rageprufrock   
Rating:  PG13

Download!VersionFile InfoDownloadrevolutionaryjo  Zipped mp3 (14.3 MB), 16:42
Zipped m4b (7.72 MB). 16:42MP3
Audiobooklunchy_munchy mp3 (8.7 MB) 18:49 here

file: mp3, archived, genre: slash, reader: lunchee, reader: revolutionaryjo, file: podbook (m4b)

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