life at technomania circus GOOGLE IT

Nov 13, 2008 11:32

life at technomania

it all started back in the dzy, when dash had to move from martines, So we posted on craiglist, because i wanted to move too. The very first and only responce we got was from bruce cartier aka DR Techno, at technomania.
When we spoke to the dr. he told us innitialy that he would rent the place to us for 600 dollars, each, plus 300 each for deposit. then he decided whern we moved in, since he was going to have to live in the back house he needed an extra 100 each per month.
we signed the lease agreement, for 6 months, payed our deposit payed electricity payed cable and payed for a dvr box.
durring all of this, he told us that we couldnt have any females move in with us, withou8t paying extra. The total rent for the whole place was 1500 a month, and we payed 1400 of the rent, bruce told us he would have lost the place if we had not moved in because he had no money and was waiting for his unemployment to go through, which happen a couple of months later.
Some times he was very nice and some time he was acompleetely hot headed.
Yet as part oif the lease agreement he wouldnt be in the hosue much or be in our buisness much, yet he was. He often yelled at us about the cleanliness of the house, which many of the company that had expirinced the technomania house befor we moved in said that the house was cleaner than it had ever been prior to us moving in.
Yes we had occasional partiesd and yes we had people over, but we w3ere paying for that privalidge, and when things didnt go bruce's way, he would scream and yell and threaten to kick us out.
OFten he would throw tantrums, and yell and become verbaly abusive.
Then he moved i9n one of our friends into a tralor in thye back yard and charged him 400 a month.
then charged us for extra bills that the new person and his girlfriend added to the set, so Bruce Cartier was living rent free off all o0f us. He also0 complained many times about the cleanliness of the house yet never pitched in on cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom, even though every time we cooked a meal in the house we offered and oftern gasve bruce some of the meal.
There where times when bruce would do extreamly nice things for us, but it was often because he felt badf about the bad things he done..
There where times we bought things of of him because he didnt have money.
Struff we didnt really want, but we wanted to help bruce out.
He had uys work for his show fo9r nothing, he had me do work on his bleachers, the paints I used cost over 200 dollars when the work was said an done, not to mention the time and effort put into it.
hE HIRED US TO DO WORK FOr him and then made dash his "agent" so that he could get buy the unemployment and use dash's tax info to cash the checks.
Then when he got his unemployment he claimed, " I don't need you guys because I can afford this place by my self now."
Then all the suddwen the floors are getting done and he basicaly has us move all of our stuff into the back yard so that the floors can be done.
By law he is soposed to pay to put us up in a hotel.
Then he has some more people come and stay "for the weekend" to fix a bug i9n his backyard.
While we where gone at work these people where in our hoiuse hanging out using our stuff, drinking our alcohol, and basicaly running up bills for us, not to mention we couldn't get any rest because they where alway6s around us.
Because of this and other stresses of the month of october, I was short on my rent.
The morning of the move out, after we had our stuff out side, and where trying to figure out what we where going to do, I was going to pan my things to pay rent, bruce told me not ti, Joe said he would loan me the money to pay my rent if I could let him crash on the couch for a couple of weeks,. so my rent would have been payed.
Dash had almost all of his rent but was like 50 short.,
After all of that somehow or another bruce comes from the back yard with his hand bleeding, and he turn the water on, and sprays his hands. He says as he is crying, " Why did I mess with the dog I should have never fuck with bubba." Then he says " That dog is dead get him out of here or I will kill him."
Not really sure what had happend, but aperently from what bruce had said is that the dog ran into the house and bruce ran in and tried to stop him from oging into the house, and when he grabbed him to pull him out from hurting himself on carpet tacks, the dog bit him.
Not really sure why bubbah bit him, but I have never seen bubba bite any one,
But i have seen bruce puin bubba to the grou7nd when bubbah growed at him, Not just myself but I know a couolke of other people who witnessed this.
One of my friends made the comment that bruce thinks he is the dog whisperer.
Bubbah grows to let people know that he is in pain, or when he is warning a pe4rson to get away, but I personaly can attest to bubbas nature and know that he would not bite anything without good reason, least it be a biquit.
After all of this bruce tells us that he is going to the hospitol.
we offer to take him there he refuses.
Then an hour or so later he comes back, we ask him how it went, and he starts screaming about the dog, where is the dog did you get him off the property, where is he, o there he is, get that fucking dog off the property before I kill him.
So we take bubbah to my car.
Then we come back to try and tlk to bruce, and all he does is scream and yell about how dash ows him 10, 000 dollars even though from the obvious ducktape bandages, bruce has yet to see a dr.
then he tells dash, that the dog has to go, and dash says if tyhe dog has to go then i have to go as part of the lease agreement, and i said if they go i go as part of the lease agreement.
Bruce said fine, tget the fuck out of herwe.
So we start packing our stuff, dash tells him that he needs two days 5to get his stuff, and I pack all of my expensive stuff into my car, and leave.
The next day it rains, but my stuff was covered with a tarp when I left.
When I finnaly get in tyouch with bruce to collect my things he threatens that I owe him money and I wont get my stuff and that if I try to get it he will call the cops, so I call the cops and go to getr my things,
my books are in shambles and ruined from the rain, my desk is broke, and my booksh3elf is broke as well.
my cloths all clean where dirty and rianed on, and many of my things where missssing.
I gathered what i could then came back the next day.
Bruce had all of my stuff in the yard save a few miscilaneous items.
I brought the cops with me again, and tyhen warrent read me a letter bruce wrote about p-eace or war, and I choze peace because I was way to stressed as it wazs, due to being hiomeless over this shit.
I got my stuff and left.
Then came back again the next morning to get the rest of my stuff.
Then on the weekend bruce shows up at work with a sign to flame dash.
it said, " boo hiss, sandiego silver man is scum, a theif and a conartist."
or something to that effect.
So dash calls bruce to try and make peace and get his stuff back, they talk for a bit on the phone, then they make an appointment.
so i drive dash over there, because he needs a car to get his generator.
and because i needed to pic up my microphone, then dash has to give bruce the drumset dash pays for and a dvr he payed for just to get back his generator, and batery charger.
and then bruce strats threatingning dash and telling him how crasy he is going to get, and how he wo7uld fuck up his life.
Dash asked about the deposted and bruce said, " i'll give you half"
and then dash said he would be back to talk about the money situation and pay money then bruce started threatijng dash and things got heated, and so we walked away.
bruce then called me and i went back and got my michrophone.
and dashes inverter.
Then yesterday bruce calls me and asked where dash was at and he said that he was going to make war with dash again because dash didnt live up to his word, nad yadda yadda, then he post a unch of stuff about both of us even though I have been out of this for a while now, he still talks shit about me and post lies.
So Now I post my recolection of the events.
all parties feel like they have been fucked,
but if you look at things from our perspective.
We arenow home4less because of this.
He is the whole skimmy as best as i can put it.
first off bruce cartier rented us a place or subleased us a place which is illegal in cvalifornia, then he rented it to us so high that he basicaly lived off us for free, then he broke the lease agreement buy moving an extra person in to use the utilities hsower house laundry ect. then he was verbaly abusive on may occasions, then he broke the lease agreement again by telling us to leave, then calms down and tells us to saty, then once again is verbaly abusive, while we pay all of his bills save his circus from being sold from under him, and buy him dinner and such.
Then when he finnaly decides he wants us ou7t, he sets it up where all of our stuff is out .. so all he has to do is give us a good reaso0n to leave, so he gets himself bit, maybe it was an accident maybe it wasn't, there where no witnesses to what actualy happend, then he throws a lesson in acting and does a drama dance, t with crying, and attitude, and makes it so uncomfortyable that we have to leave, then before there is even time to collect our things he trashes some of them, tells us he has gone to the dr, when he has obvious tweaker bandages, aka paper towls and electrical tape rapped around his hands.
Tyhen he flkames us o0n the internet and at work, and other performers as well.
Oh and he cheated unermployment too.
All of this, and he is trying to start shit with us.
Not too smart considering all he has to loose, and the legal aspe4cts of things.
I was going to let it go, even though half of my stuff is ryuined, and I was going to let it go even after he treated us like shit, and broke my shit and acted like an ass.
But he drug my name into this war he has with dash, so i guess I have to take a side now rather then be a fence sitter.
and I side with truth.
and since I am hurting and my homie is hurting and we are homeless and are not doing well at all, then court seams to be the only option.......
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