Title: The Little Green Dragon
mollrach13Pairing: Merlin/Gwaine
Rating: PG
Word Count: 533
Disclaimer: charecters etc. dont belong to me.
Notes: Written for picutre prompt #1 at
merlinmpregSummary: Merlin dresses his and Gwaine's four year old up as a dragon for Halloween
“Aithusia, Aithusia - come to Daddy!” Merlin cooed at their four year old. Gwaine leaned with his arms crossed against the door frame watching Aithusia’s eyes light with determination and scamper over to his Daddy, rushing into Merlin’s open arms with a hug and a roar.
“I’m Dragon!” Aithusia cried when he saw Gwaine watching from the door frame.
“I can see that little one.” Gwaine grinned back. Aithusia’s hood fell down over his eyes and merlin pushed it back off his face lovingly and leaned down to scoop the boy up in the air.
“Merlin-“ Gwaine fretted, starting forward.
“Relax Gwaine.” Merlin smiled fondly at him picking up their son and whooshing him through the air, accompanied by Aithusia’s appropriate roaring noises.
Eventually the pair landed with a thump, Merlin more gingerly than Aithusia, onto the sofa. Aithusia was off again in a flash circling the coffee table with his arms spread.
Gwaine came forward, gripping a solid arm around Merlin’s elbow, helping the man to stand. When he was vertical Gwaine pulled him in closer. “Could you please be more gentle with yourself.” He murmured against Merlin’s lips, placing a warm hand against Merlin’s lower stomach. “Just to save me the grey hairs.”
Merlin placed his hand over Gwaine’s and squeezed it gently. “It’s still early. I’m not even showing yet.”
“All the more reason to be careful.” Gwaine gave Merlin’s full lips a quick peck, just because he could, and felt Merlin melt against him.
They stayed like that for a few moments, just breathing in each other, in a rare moment of peace in their hectic lives, broken when Aithusia came tearing into the front room again and out.
Gwaine chuckled at his son’s energy, an eclectic mix of Gwaine and Merlin - god help the world.
“Do you think the costume is a bit much?” Merlin worried biting at his lower lip.
Gwaine thumbed at the plump tissue, saving it from its abuse. “Maybe, but it’s only Halloween once a year.”
“Yeah.” Merlin sighed, a happy smile resting his hand back on his stomach where a new life was forming, before snapping back to the present. “Is everything ready?”
“Yup.” Gwaine nodded smartly. “Chilli on the hob, sweets on the table, Juices in the fridge for you and the kiddies and Beer for us adults.”
“Good. Hey-“ Merlin’s grabbed at Gwaine arm just before he disappeared to see what their son was up to. It was too quiet for him to be up to any good. Gwaine turned back to see Merlin’s eyes tickling with evil amusement. “What do you think Arthur will say about Aithusia’s costume?”
Gwaine spared a few moments to give Merlin an amused grin thinking about Arthur Pendragon, the hater of most holidays, Halloween especially, before keys jangled in the front door.
“Hey guys we’re here!” Arthur’s voice called from the hallway, the sounds of their friends trailing behind him.
“Uncle Arthur!” Aithusia called running past the doorway to the hall “I’m a Dragon! Rarrr!”
Soon enough Arthur incredulous face popped round the door frame to the front room eyes straight to the couple still huddled in the centre. “What the hell is my Godson wearing?”