Title: The Heart of the Dragon
clea2011Prompt: Written for the
merlinmpreg fest prompt 'Uther and Balinor's kingdoms have been at war or at best very unfriendly for years. During a difficult peace conference, their respective sons meet and have a secret affair. When one becomes pregnant, things get difficult.'
Pairing(s): Arthur/Merlin
Word Count: 22,655
Rating: R
Contains (Highlight to view): *Mpreg.*
Disclaimer:Merlin characters are the property of Shine and BBC. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Thanks to the mods for organising this and letting me move my posting date. Thanks to
fififolle for the very quick beta.
Summary: The very first time Prince Arthur of Camelot met Prince Merlin of Mercia, Arthur was seven years old and Merlin was five, and there was that unfortunate incident with the toy dragon. Now they're in their twenties, and their fathers are trying to thrash out a peace treaty between the two countries, while Arthur has to escort Merlin on a high-profile tour of Camelot. Obviously it's going to be the very worst few days of Arthur's life.
Read the fic on A03 here