Title: The Seven Seas
zairaalbereoPrompt: Historical AU-Age of Sail. Merlin is condemned to death for practicing sorcery and witchcraft but is given a stay of execution due to his demonstrable pregnancy (the baby's movement can be felt). On the far side of the world, word reaches Captain Arthur Pendragon of his lover's plight. He immediately sets sail for home, but with oceans to cross and Merlin's execution set for the day after he delivers their child, will Arthur make it home in time to rescue the man he loves?
Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur
Word Count: ~ 37 k
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Merlin characters are the property of Shine and BBC. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: This fic is the fault of two people. Firstly
scarlet_dove is to blame, because she came into PL chat telling me about this fest and about a prompt. A prompt she hadn't claimed because she had not read all the way down to the end of the list and now she was ripping her hair out. Me, having never written Mpreg and not having any intention of doing so now, but being the curious little bitch that I am, went to have a look at this mysterious prompt. I saw two things: Age of Sail (which is just simply axgfsklitnkss) and the name of the prompter. Which brings me to the second lady at fault, the lovely
Dear Foxy, I hope this is at least to some degree what you had in mind. Seeing your prompt and seeing that it was your prompt I couldn't resist claiming it. I hope I did it justice. Much love, this is for you.
A few more Thank You's: Always and forever a huge thank you goes out to my lovely beta,
typewritertip, who's there with whip and sugar cubes when ever I need her. Another huge thank you goes to my wonderful cheerleader
kitty_fic, who took on that job despite her busy schedule and who is one of the most kind, patient and enthusiastic person's I've had the pleasure to encounter. Thank you! I feel like I should also thank Hans Zimmer, the composer of the Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack. Lol. It was a great inspiration, and "One Day" became something like the inofficial hymn for this fic. ;)
Summary: When pirate Captain Arthur Pendragon rescues a young man from the wreckage of a ship he admittedly sunk himself, he doesn't know he's just sealed his fate forever. Merlin is the most obnoxious loudmouth of a ship-boy Arthur has ever met, but he's also strangely intriguing. While the two exchange insults and keep saving each other's lives, they are inevitabley drawn to each other. The only problem: Merlin abhors nothing more than a pirate.
The Seven Seas on AO3 )