Nice :-) It was a long time ago since we had a picture with Vincent Kartheiser in the "Sneak Peek Photo" area of
AMC's Website, but for the new episode Mad Men 2.10 The Inheritance we have him not only on this beautiful picture with Elisabeth Moss' character Peggy, but in the "Sneak Peek Video" video clip too.
Enjoy :-)
Endlich gibts mal wieder im Sneak Peek Bereich von
AMC's Webseite ein Bildchen und einen Clip mit Vincent (und Elisabeth Moss' Character Peggy) zur aktuellen Mad Men Episode 2.10 The Inheritance, die nächsten Sonntag im amrikanischen TV ausgestrahlt wird. Viel Spaß :-)
Mad Men Sneak Peak: 2.10 The Inheritance