Jan 05, 2009 23:45
Okay, introduction *smiles at eager writers*
This comm was set in place to write 1000 Merlin!fandom kisses. It's a comm of total fluffy escapism for when the world is just not cute and adorable enough. Not that Merlin ever really delves into the dark and dungeon-y parts of the world...Get your minds out of the gutter!
So, Any Pairing, Any Rating, Any Length. Het, slash, femmeslash, I don't care if you manage to get cross-gender transvestites involved (actually...)
Fics, art if people want to, and if we hit the thousand mark I think we should keep on going.
Layout and all difficult questions will be dealt with at another time. Offers to help with running, or people mad enthusiastic enough to want modly positions should ask.