Batch 1: #001-050 by octoberamethyst

Feb 12, 2010 21:06

Iconist: octoberamethyst
Subject: Actor - Bradley James
Batch: #1 001-050
Masterpost: over here

Images: gealach_ros,, for
Screencaps: Myself, yorkshirewench, gealach_ros

Usage/credit: Feel free to snag and use, please comment and credit octoberamethyst or brokenconcepts

Lyrics: from Spamalot - I’m all alone.
King Arthur - “I'm all alone, all by myself, there is no one here beside me, I’m all alone, quite all alone, no one to comfort me or guide me, why is there no one here with me, I’m all alone.”

001 adventure002 magic003 love004 friendship

005 green006 red007 blue008 black&white

009 laughter010 smile011 fun012 sad

013 despair014 fear015 happiness016 face

017 eyes018 words019 beauty020 touch

021 concern022 alphabet023 warm024 cold

025 silence026 alone027 colourful028 secrets

029 glory030 hush031 water032 fight

033 hope034 full body035 back036 close-up

037 hand038 quote039 darkness040 light

041 lyrics042 calm043 destiny044 nightmare

045 believe046 tears047 heart048 together

049 triumph050 broken000000

username: octoberamethyst, actor: bradley james

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