Feb 25, 2007 22:51
I did a lot of thinking about sporks today, I don't know why really. I guess I just had too much time on my hands.
I was intrigued by a number of things. It's such a simplistic concept, you want a fork and a sporn, you got it. However, at the same time, the first person who ever thought of the idea must have felt incredibly smart. The spork falls into the "I wish I thought of it first" category, along with a number of things:
liquid soap
the pencil sharpener
toe socks
gloves for that matter
internet lingo
helper monkeys
... there are more... you should contribute if you think of any good ones..
Anyway, then I got to thinking, and came up with a ridiculous idea. If all weaponry magically turned into plastic sporks over night, eventually both sides would surrender in a fit of frustration and annoyance, and the world would soon realize how much easier it is to just mind their own business and let other people do as they please.
for the sake of an example:
" ... it's so much easier to deal with shit than be tantalized with plastic sporks and monotonous arguments. "
Then I thought of everything that a spork connotes.
The spork could represent all that is indecisive, fickle, and at the same time greedy. But depending how you look at it, it could also be an emblem of peace and possibility in an ideal world. A spork is saying, "Yes, you can have it all, and why the hell not?"
If you want to fork your turkey while obtaining a big spoonful of mashed potatoes, then do it.
Isn't that what America is all about?
Needless to say, the inventor of the spork was a genius beyond comparable reasoning. I believe that the spork was meant to be more than just a cheap and convenient alternative to forks and spoons, there's a beautiful a message behind this miracle instrument that is so commonly overlooked.
I'm really not insane, either.