Story Title: Beside Me
Chapter: 0.3 - The Fall
Rating: R
Summary: X-Men AU: For many downtrodden mutants, rejected throughout a lifetime of unwelcome blood dictating their lives, Camelot Academy is not just a school - it's a home. But something dark is brewing, and Camelot is no longer as safe as it appears.
Word Count: 3000
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, Gwen, Lancelot, Morgana, Gwaine, Gaius, Hunith, Will, Uther, Nimueh, multiple others mentioned
Story Warnings/Content: violence (including scientific experimentation), sex (including references to forced intoxication and non-con), character deaths, self-harm, mentions of prostitution, torture
Chapter Warnings/Content: violence, some mentions of prostitution,
lasvegas-lights and
arithilimNotes: It wasn’t seen in the movies, but in the comics, ‘muties’ was often used as an insult or bigoted slur against mutants, and was incredibly derogatory in its use.
Beside Me 1.1 - Trust Me Start at the beginning Masterpost