Fic: Five Ways Lancelot Didn't Return to Camelot

Dec 06, 2008 05:11

Title: Five Ways Lancelot Didn't Return to Camelot
Author: suaine
Rating: PG-ish
Summary: A chuckle from behind a tree, and then Lancelot stepped out into the light. He shimmered and gleamed, a magical apparition more than a person. When the magic wears away, he's just this guy they used to know.
Notes: This has a couple of media references, both to computer games and one other Arthurian story.
Characters/Pairings: Lancelot/everyone, Merlin/Arthur, Merlin/Arthur/Gwen.
Warnings: Severely minor character who might as well be an OC/crossover person. Also I do not fucking hate Lance, but I kind of like to see him suffer.

Spoilers: Anything from the first 11 episodes might have influenced this, references mostly to 1x05.

Five Ways Lancelot Didn't Return to Camelot

pairing: gwen/merlin, type: het, pairing: arthur/gwen, type: slash, length: oneshot, rating: pg, pairing: arthur/merlin

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