Title: Take My Hand
angelqueen04Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: gen, Morgana and Mordred
Warnings: mentions of character death
Spoilers: Up through The Coming of Arthur, Part Two
Word Count: 424 words
Summary: Morgana kept walking.
Disclaimer: Merlin is the property of the BBC. I make no claim on it and write this purely for my own entertainment. No copyright infringement intended.
Author’s Notes: Written for
ontd_merlin’s recent comment fic posting.
Take My Hand Title: We All Fall
angelqueen04Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Morgause, Uther, Morgana/Leon
Warnings: semi-explicit sexual content
Spoilers: Up through The Coming of Arthur, Part Two
Word Count: 1,976 words
Summary: In the past they had been lovers, but his first loyalty had always been to Camelot.
Disclaimer: Merlin is property of the BBC. I make no claim on it and write this purely for my own entertainment and the entertainment of others. No copyright infringement intended.
Author's Notes: My first attempt at writing this pairing! Hope you like! :) Also written for
ontd_merlin’s comment fic posting.
We All Fall