Title: A Pendragon's Heart (Is a Terrible Thing)
Rating: R
Summary: Arther/Merlin, Uther/Ygraine. Written for
this prompt. Uther has never understood his son's relationship with his manservant and thinks it may just be a one-off fling
that is until one day when Merlin is found bloody and beaten and is fighting for his life. Uther finds his son huddled up in his chambers crying, and reminds him of how he felt when Ygraine was dying/ had died. Without saying a word he comforts his son and begins to understand their relationship No spoilers for S3. ~2500 words
Author's Note: Now with (hopefully) 100% less errors and 500 extra words (that are brilliant and totally necessary). IOW, I wanted to clean it up a little.
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