Title: Sleeping Angels
sophielou21 Rating: PG-13
Word count: 4,836
Characters/Pairings: Igraine/Uther, Arthur/Gwen, OC, mentions Gorlois, Gaius and Merlin
Spoilers/Warnings: Pre-series stuff with mild spoilers for S2/Rated for the mildest innuendos and light references to sexuality.
Disclaimer: If I owned Merlin Camelot would be a very different place.
Summary: Gwen and Uther share a bond, unbeknownst to either of them.
Author’s notes: This idea just came to me out of nowhere one night as I was lying in bed. I thought it would be funny to have a little ficlet focusing on Arthur’s snoring. Please note also that the reason I spell ‘Igraine’ with an ‘I’ is force of habit. Thank you so much to
ella_rose88 for being my alpha and
mydoctortennant for being my beta!
human_trash x-posted to several places.