Fic: Get Me To The Church On Time

Jun 18, 2014 14:00

Subject: Fanfic
Author: Camelittle
Title: Get Me To The Church On Time
Rating: PG (for mild swearing and heavy flirting)
Pairing: Gwaine/Hunith, side Arthur/Merlin
Word Count: 6248
Disclaimer: I'm doing this for love, not money. The characters portrayed in this work of fiction are inspired by the BBC / Shine production "Merlin". I am only playing with them, and promise to put them back in their box when I finish.
Summary: Merlin insists that Hunith should bring her new (fictional) partner to his wedding. Rather than panic, Hunith decides to ask her PA to find her a suitable professional escort. But the scruffy-haired specimen who turns up on her doorstep wasn't quite what she had in mind, despite his undeniable charm. Still, she rapidly finds herself growing to enjoy his company - even when she starts to suspect that he's hiding something.
Author's notes: Written for this lovely prompt for this month's theme "Mistaken Identity" on the Merlin Writers comment fic page and originally posted on LJ here

Cleaned up and put on A03 here

character: hunith, character: uther, character: morgana, pairing: other, character: percival, length: oneshot, rating: pg, type: humour, character: gwaine, pairing: arthur/merlin, type: het, character: merlin, au, character: arthur

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