Subject: Fanfic
Author: Camelittle
Get Me To The Church On TimeRating: PG (for mild swearing and heavy flirting)
Pairing: Gwaine/Hunith, side Arthur/Merlin
Word Count: 6248
Disclaimer: I'm doing this for love, not money. The characters portrayed in this work of fiction are inspired by the BBC / Shine production "Merlin". I am only playing with them, and promise to put them back in their box when I finish.
Summary: Merlin insists that Hunith should bring her new (fictional) partner to his wedding. Rather than panic, Hunith decides to ask her PA to find her a suitable professional escort. But the scruffy-haired specimen who turns up on her doorstep wasn't quite what she had in mind, despite his undeniable charm. Still, she rapidly finds herself growing to enjoy his company - even when she starts to suspect that he's hiding something.
Author's notes: Written for
this lovely prompt for this month's theme "Mistaken Identity" on the Merlin Writers comment fic page and originally posted on LJ
here Cleaned up and put on A03