the choice endured - PG, gennish, fairly dark

Jul 07, 2012 13:58

Title: the choice endured
Author: tigriswolf
Disclaimer: not my characters; title from Denise Levertov
Warnings: dark; canon events rearranged to suit my whim
Pairings: gennish with possible Arthur/Merlin undertones
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 530
Prompt: Merlin, any, destiny and how to escape it

Everyone keeps telling him he's so very powerful, that no one like him has ever been, that he has such a grand destiny - stars and dragons and an entire people know his name. Or, well, a name they say is his, though he still feels like Merlin. Just Merlin. Just a peasant from Ealdor.

character: uther, type: gen, length: oneshot, rating: pg, character: gaius, character: merlin, length: drabble, au, character: arthur

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