Oct 19, 2006 12:40
Ok. I have a problem. I get enormously upset when forced into doing something in front of people. In some contexts this consists of me getting extremely pissed and leaving but usually I just get really upset and don't know what to do and this usually results in some hard fought tears. Its embarassing and shouldn't happen.
Case in point. Today I went to my french lab and we played this game (that I have always hated but everyone else thought was great for some reason). The way the game worked was everyone was given a word and we had to tell a continuing story. I couldn't think of stories and she kept saying Its easy! Its easy! and trying to "make" me be creative. Trust me. I'm creative in my own way. Want me to write it down? Five minutes and you'll have a story. But I CANNOT talk in front of the class. Sorry.
I somehow got my papers all finished up. They suck but they're done. This weekend I have more free time than usual so hopefully this means I will get ahead in work. I won't really be able to get much done next week because I have a rehearsal for WS on Tuesday night and then the concert in Souris on Wednesday night. That kills most of next week for doing homework. The tour to Fredy and Moncton is coming up soon too... two weeks I think. So performances go as such: this Sunday is symphony, Wednesday is WS and a week later NB.
I went to Tim's for tea this morning and got really nervous because Jason was working and I'm lame. No drama ensued though.
Plans for tonight consist of sleeping after choir and when I wake up I'll probably start in on my weekend work. I am so exciting.
the end.