round 1: challenge 3 - VOTING

May 27, 2011 21:38

Thanks everyone who entered for making beautiful icons!
But unfortunately we don't have many icons this challenge. really hope to see more activity from all of our dear participants next time

needtakehave, lastyearswishes, lovepb, dudette_in_town, xtine005 used a skip for this challenge

* Vote for the ONE least quality icon. Votes should address technical problems, - you should be able to explain your reasons, so that they're helpful to the iconmaker.
* Vote for the ONE icon you think is of the best quality
* Do not vote for yourself or ask anyone else to vote for you
* Please use the form provided
* If you're watching this community, please vote!

001 002 003

  004 005

Least Quality:
#00 - (reason)
Best Quality:
#00 - (reason)

voting, r1:chal3

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