Hi everyone. :) I've wanted to share this with the Merlin fandom for a while, but to my surprise there doesn't seem to be any sort of community out there for Merlin costumes!
Back when I started watching Merlin, a friend of mine sent me a picture of Morgause's gown and together we fawned over it until I decided that I wouldn't feel satisfied until I'd tried to make my own version. I've being sewing for quite a while, both historical and contemporary, and like trying to replicate things I see on screen. This one was a real challenge, though!
The project took about a year and a half, sometimes on the back burner. I began with yards of silk habotai and chiffon which I dyed deep red, and then slowly cobbled together all the parts I needed. It was a great learning experience and involved blood, sweat, and tears, as the saying goes. The bodice is based on a light bustier pattern, and I made it in two pieces with a boned and laced underbodice. The rest of the dress came together without a pattern.
I don't really have many places to wear the finished product, so I'm using the internet for that. :) I'd love to talk to some other people who've fiddled around with Merlin costumes, if I can ever find them!
Crossposted to MerlinTV :)