Title: Hen Wlad fy Nhadau
kroki_refurRating: PG-13
Length: 5,485 this chapter.
Warnings: Minor gore.
Spoilers: To 4.06.
Pairings/characters: Arthur, Merlin, minor appearances from Gwen and various knights. Gen, background Arthur/Gwen.
Notes: I'm expecting it to be about 4 chapters. I haven't read widely in the fandom yet, so I will no doubt be reproducing some cliches that everyone's heartily sick of. Oops.
Summary: Sorcerers seize power in Cenred's kingdom, and Arthur has to deal with a barely-competent army and a grossly incompetent manservant in his quest to rid Albion of magic once and for all. Being king: not actually all it's cracked up to be.
In the past months, Arthur has learned a great deal about Sir Leon’s face.