Titles: Trouble is as trouble does, and Just deserts
thismaz - Maz
Pairings: None and M/A.
Characters: Merlin, OMC and Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG
Word Count: 518 and 618
Spoilers: None
Author's note: These two stories are back-story snippets from the same 'verse as my big bang story,
Line of Dance, which is M/A in an established relationship, but you don't need to have read it to understand this.
Warnings: None, although there are warnings on Line of Dance
Summary 1: Alwin, the head groom in the royal stables watches Merlin approach. Gen.
Summary 2: The morning after the first time. M/A.
Disclaimer: I write fan fic. All the characters from the Merlin series are the property of the BBC and Shine, etc. No infringement is intended and no profit is being made from this writing.
Trouble is as trouble does and
Just Deserts, in my LJ