Title: It’s Complicated
altocelloFic beta:
asifidletyouRating: NC17
Universe: Merlin RPS
Characters: various twosomes involving Bradley/Colin/Richard/Rupert
Word count: 13,750
Warnings/Enticements: Senior love! Senior sex! Twosomes! (Apologies if you were expecting a foursome… though I know some of you will be relieved!)
Summary: A bemused Colin finds that it’s generally assumed Richard is in love with Colin - and Rupert later suggests that, really, just about everyone is at least a little in love with Colin… But if he’s so spoiled for choice, why does it take him the whole second season to work out who he most wants to be with?
Notes: Set in 2009 during the latter half of filming for the second season.
Written for the Merlin RPF Big Bang 2012 ♥
merlinbb_rpf on Live Journal.
With thanks for… ♥ A wonderful challenge run by
moonilicious. ♥ A darned good idea from
reveuse2. ♥ A brilliant beta by
asifidletyou. ♥ The most utterly awesome art by
altocello. ♥ With lyrics borrowed from Tim Rice.
Disclaimer: This flight of fancy has nothing at all to do with the actual Bradley James, Colin Morgan, Richard Wilson, or Rupert Young. Although it might finally reveal the truth about Katie! Otherwise, the story is purely imaginary, and is not intended to cause offence.
Fic with art embedded at AO3:
click here Art post on LJ:
click here (Oops! Looks like I went live on AO3 before I meant to... Meant to save it as a draft!)