Title: All I Want
jelazakazone Fandom: Merlin
Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Arthur asks for something.
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and am not intending to profit from them
Author’s notes: Thanks to betas
lewisian_gneiss ,
twilighthdfan , and
kleinefee92 . Written for day 23 of Merlinadvent.
Kilgharrah landed gently next to the castle walls and the men untangled themselves to slide down his flank. Boots met solid ground, jolting their knees. Merlin and Arthur craned their necks to look up at Kilgharrah. Together they said, “Thank you.” He replied simply, “You are welcome.”
Arthur took his right glove off and tugged on Merlin’s left glove so he could lace their fingers together despite the cold. On their walk back to the castle Arthur was practically vibrating, he was so full of energy. Entering the warm sleeping chambers, Arthur whispered in Merlin’s ear, “All I want is...”
(Feel free to comment here or on my LJ:))