Title: A Christmas Errand
jelazakazone Fandom: Merlin
Pairings/characters: Aithusa, Kilgharrah
Rating: G
Word Count: about 70
Summary: This is what Merlin needed Aithusa to do from day 6.
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and am not intending to profit from them
Author’s notes: Thanks again to betas
lewisian_gneiss ,
twilighthdfan , and
kleinefee92. This was written for day 13 of merlinadvent.
Aithusa understands that Merlin makes him happy and safe. So, when Merlin asks him to run a special errand on a snowy night, the baby dragon is happy to receive a task of great import; he considers it his first Christmas present to Merlin. When he meets Kilgharrah under a moon-bright sky with a shiny harness in his small talons, Kilgharrah understands that soon he will be giving the young king the ride of his life.