Merlin Advent Day 4 - Fic - Evil Flour

Dec 06, 2011 20:50

Title - Evil Flour
Rating - G
Pairing - Arthur/Merlin
Characters - Arthur, Merlin
Warnings - fluff
Spoilers - None in particular
Disclaimer - Not mine unfortunately, although it is on the list I sent to Santa and I've been awfully good this year. So who knows?
Summary - Merlin tries to bake Arthur a cake, that's not exactly what ends up happening
A/N - Written in response to Day 4 prompt at merlinadvent. Unfortunately couldn't post it til now cos I couldn't get on to LJ. Just something short and sweet to fill the prompt :).

Except he can feel Arthur’s eyes on his back, taking in the flour that seems to be coating everything.

character: merlin, rating: g, genre: fluff, character: arthur, pairing: arthur/merlin, day 4

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