Title - Last Christmas
Author -
twilighthdfanRating - M
Pairing - Arthur/Merlin, very brief mention of Arthur/Gwen
Warnings - angst
Spoilers - None in particular
Disclaimer - Not mine unfortunately, unless Santa decides to bring it to me this Christmas
Summary - Arthur escapes from Camelot to drown his sorrows in a goblet of, what the barmaid tells him is, egg nog. He didn't expect to meet a barman who could maybe help heal his broken heart
A/N - Written in response to Day 3 prompt. Umm, so in this story Merlin didn't come to Camelot before Arthur was king, Morgana is still good and ... you'll have to just go with the (very fast) flow. Hope you enjoy!
Taking another sip of his drink, he looked down at the strange concoction. Egg Nog, the barmaid had called it.