Everything's Better In Threes

Oct 15, 2010 18:52

Now I know you’ve all been waiting breathlessly (hush, darlings, let a girl keep her fantasies *g*) but wait no more.
For merlinadvent  is back once again!
For a third and glorious year of Christmas-y, seasonal, Merlin-awesome to get us through the interminable wait of December beginning and Doctor Who at Christmas.


So, the advent. Quick run-down:
This is a challenge (only because there’s no better word for it) running from the 1st December to the 24th and it’s all to do with Merlin.

There are prompts for each day, people can use than as they wish, ignore them if they’d rather, and use any prompt for any day they’d like. Say if Day 4 has Christmas Kittens and you want kittens every single day of the advent, who are we to argue? :)

There’s no word limit.

There’s no deadlines apart from Christmas itself (and, yes, we accept the ‘it’s not quite past Christmas somewhere in the world' excuse :D)

You can do anything you want to celebrate the Merlin seasonal cheer
(…lego!Camelot Christmas screencaps perhaps…)

Fic welcome! Art welcome! Slash! Het! Femslash! Gen! Fluff! Romance! Adventure! Tinsel!

And all we require is people do something! Even if it’s just lurking! Because that’s important, too *g*

Suggestions for prompts from you all wonderful people will open soon after some modly mod posts.

Now, my pretties, are you not excited for another year of getting daily Merlin along with your chocolate?

welcome, mods

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