Day 3
Title: Baby it's cold outside
Pairing: have some Merlin/Arthur and some Gwen/Lance, then if you look at it with femmslash goggles on you could have some Morgana/ let's call this accidental OT5 shall we? XD (mods, let me know what other pairing tags to add?)
Rating: G
Warnings: Kind of future!pic. It has Lancelot but Morgana hasn't run off to be evil yet
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing. (Dear BBC, I can has Merlin for Christmas kthanx?)
A/N: The title is entirely
wickednotevil's fault. I personally hate the song, but she slapped some headphones on me and played it on youtube, thus it stuck :C Also it was only after I was done sketching it I realised it could fit into prompt 10...but by then I couldn't think of anything else for today sooo XD Enjoy.
Morgana has her fur and Lancelot is a knight and thus has a swishy cape he doesn't want to take off.
The larger version can be found here at my deviantART. Follow the ugly link >