Title: Intrigue [Merlin/Harry Potter crossover] (5/?)
Author: dk323
Rating: PG-13 (special note for swearing in this chapter)
Characters/Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Harry, Hermione, Ron/Luna, Draco/Ginny
Spoilers: Harry Potter ~ takes place about three years after the final battle
Merlin ~ A week after “Le Morte D'Arthur” (Series 1 finale)
Disclaimer: The show “Merlin” is property of the BBC. Harry Potter is the property of Warner Bros. and J.K. Rowling. I don’t own the show “Misfits” either. No money being made.
Summary: Arthur and Merlin, unwittingly, go forward in time and they find themselves in the wizarding world. In the wizarding world, Merlin is god. But, what he doesn't know is that there's a secret hiding in plain sight. And it's about to be unraveled.
Chapter 5: Merlin tells Arthur about his magic and Arthur has a good idea about who Merlin's current reincarnation is. The problem is Arthur is having a difficult time getting the answer he wants while Merlin tells him to back off. Merlin meets the Great Dragon's reincarnation. And two Merlins decide to fake someone's death...
Author’s Notes: It has been forever since I last updated this. Fail on my part. : ( But here’s the next installment wherein Arthur finds out a few things and gets a little adamant about getting answers. And if anyone has seen the TV show “Misfits”, I’m having Nathan Young in this story. It’s an AU version of him. I’m basically keeping some things the same for him, but his back story is very different. No community service pretty much. I don’t want to give too much away, but those who’ve seen “Misfits”…well, you know what Nathan’s like. His power is a big reason why I decided to include him.
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5: Arthur frowned. “I hate this. Everyone here has magic and I don’t have any. How am I supposed to defend myself?”