Two crossovers, one SV/Merlin and the other HP/Merlin

Oct 29, 2010 18:04

Title: Another New Year
Fandoms: Merlin and Smallville
Pairings: Merlin/Chloe
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Futurefic for Merlin. AU!SV.
Summary: Merlin and Chloe celebrate New Years.
Notes: Written for xoverland challenge Witchville and galorechallenge prompt Merlin/Chloe - kiss. Also written for crossovers50 prompt New Years.
another new year........ )

Title: Sunset in Camelot
Fandoms: Harry Potter and Merlin
Pairings: Hermione/Arthur
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: S1 of Merlin. AU!HP.
Summary: Trapped in the past, the last thing she expected was to be here sitting with a Prince.
Notes: Written for crossovers100 prompt Sunset. Also written for xoverland challenge Witchville. I love Hermione/Arthur, FYI. ;D
sunset in camelot........ )

genre: au, member: flareonfury, fandom: harry potter, genre: fluff, fanfic, rating: pg, genre: drabble, fandom: smallville, genre: romance

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