Title: Fragile Things
hopenight Crossover Fandom: BBC's Merlin
Pairing: Neal/Emrys(Merlin), mentioned Peter/El, past Neal/Kate, past Arthur/Merlin with Mozzie, Cruz, and Jones!
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 12, 567 (with drabbles), 10,469 (without drabbles)
Spoilers: All of Season One for White Collar, not much background knowledge needed for Merlin
Warnings: language, boy on boy loving if that makes you uncomfortable,
Summary: Sometimes the difference between what you should want and what you really want is distance and time. Neal knows what he wants. Problem is...how does he go about getting it?
Author's Note: I do not own either shows. Insert legal jargon here. Blah blah blah yada yada yada. Many thanks to
chosenfire28 for the fantastic art and to PJ (who beta'd but kept giving me weird looks). Included after the main story are five drabbles because these two are too cute to write. :)
Authors Note 2: Written for the
whitecollar_bb !!!
MASTERPOST (Can I have a White Collar tag, mods? Please?)