merlin_sceneit - your ultimate Merlin creative resource!
We hope that
merlin_sceneit will become a place to share and provide a wide range of resources for all your Merlin creative needs - whether you're a vidder, graphic artist or fanfic writer - whatever your creative outlet might be we hope to be able to help.
Go check out the
welcome post to see what's on offer so far - and feel free to
leave a suggestion of what else you'd like to see made available =)
This Merlin creative resource community is open to one and all, so feel free to browse or lurk as almost all posts are open to everybody. However... sometimes you have to keep the magic secret and in order to gain access to
the magic box you'll need to join the club.
Please take a minute to read through the
rules and guidelines - there's hardly any right now so it won't take you long - and just poke one of the mods if you need to ask us anything.
Please remember too that in order to build a useful and comprehensive creative resource it's good to give as well as take - if you feel you have something to offer which might be of use to someone, then go ahead - if you're able to answer peoples questions and queries and share your own knowledge/experience, please do so.
Please feel free to spread the word - thank you =)