Week #1 (Merlin RPS, Bradley/Colin)

Jun 12, 2009 17:23

Author: Angelike Riddle | eos-rose ( @twitter)
Rating (Overall): PG
Notes: Here is the week's summary of the Bradley/Colin tweetfic posted to my twitter account. Tomorrow I will post the Arthur/Merlin summary.

Vengeance Is Best Served Pink; gen/friendship

"The girls?" snickers Colin when he opens his door to find Bradley staring pathetically back at him, hair a charming cotton-candy pink. #

[ 135 characters | 22 words ]

Truth Serum; slash

"Schomtimes I schink-think-I lurve you," Bradley slurs, pressing a sloppy kiss to Colin's cheek. Colin blushes and pours another drink. #

[ 135 characters | 22 words ]

Momzilla; slash

"My mother likes you better than she likes me," Bradley scowls. "Probably," Colin grins cheekily. "She's already planning our wedding." #

[ 135 characters | 20 words ]

genre: rpf, pairing: bradley/colin, genre: rps, character: colin, character: bradley, rating: pg

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