Title : Guinevere’s choice
ella_rose88Rating: PG
Word count: 9,401
Characters/Pairings: Gwen, Igraine, Arthur, Lancelot, Merlin, Arthur/Gwen and Gwen/Lancelot.
Spoilers/Warnings: Some slight character spoilers for series 4 (though no names are mentioned).
Disclaimer: I don’t own Merlin. If I did things would be different just a tad. There would be many A/G centred episodes and Gwen would be given a sword and go on adventures to rescue the boys (LOL which might give me an idea for another fic)!
Summary: Gwen gets visited by a ghost who shows her the future.
Author’s notes: Set after the events of series 3. This was written for the
reel-merlin Challenge. For the challenge I chose to base my fic on the film It’s a Wonderful Life. Although, it was also inspired by the One Tree Hill episode, Songs to Love and Die By. The name of the fic was inspired by the Doctor Who episode Amy’s choice.
Many thanks to
sophielou21 &
rubber-glue for helping me by listening to my constant rants when I was having trouble with my muse, giving me advice and reading my many drafts. Love you guys ♥!
A special thanks must go to
rainbow-connec for bribing me to sign up to this challenge by giving me some *puppydogeyes* and for beta'ing it for me ♥!
Comments and feedback are always ♥ and appreciated!
Gwen was annoyed