Title: Time Is Eternity
Summary: When the King had left, Merlin waited for a few tense minutes -it wouldn’t be unusual for Arthur to return in a sudden fit of temper- then he thought the door locked. The moment he heard the clicking sound, Merlin deflated, sinking down to the floor and burying his face in his hands.
Warning/Spoiler: Slash, Angst, First Time, Romance, Future!Fic (with a twist), King!Arthur, Powerful!Merlin, Spoilers for Season One and Two
Rating: Mild, very mild R
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur, Lancelot/Gwen, Past Arthur/Gwen (uh, if you really like Gwen, you may want to skip this one)
Word Count: 7.104
Disclaimer: The show and all characters are owned by the BBC. This is just for fun.