Author’s Note: These are two ficlets in the same verse, set after the Third Season focusing on the Knights of Camelot. I hope they are to your liking
special_schizo. I did have plans to write a few more but time and life got away from me. I will most likely use my plans and continue writing in this verse. To tease, there will be Leon and Percival interaction and well as Jealous!Gwaine with Lancelot and Merlin interaction. I’ll keep you posted if you so wish, just let me know.
Warning: Spoilers for Season 3
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin or any of the characters from the series... just a bit of fun speculating with what might happen in the future.
So without further ado, I give you…
Title: After Morgana (Uther’s reaction)
inspired_being Characters: Uther, Arthur, Lancelot, Gwaine, Elyan and Percival
Genre: General
Words: ~750
Summary: Arthur presents the new Knights of Camelot to Uther
After Morgana’s betrayal and disappearance, Uther was never the same. He sunk into a depression and was not fit to make decisions that affected the entire kingdom of Camelot.
When Arthur told him of the men he had knighted, Uther showed little interest…
Arthur watched as the guards opened the door to the throne room in order to admit him an audience with his father. He held his head high, to show that he was proud and not ashamed of the actions he took in order to save his father, the king, and take back their kingdom.
The door were opened enough, so that he might walk through with no trouble. Through the opening he was also able to see the king. Uther was slumped on his throne, crown adorning his head which was held up by one hand as his elbow rested on the throne’s wooden arm. At first Arthur thought that his father was deep in thought, but as he walked closer, it was obvious that this was not the case. Standing only a metre away, Arthur was able to see clearly Uther’s despondent demeanour.
“Father,” Arthur said, hoping to gain Uther’s attention. It was somewhat successful. Uther looked in his son’s direction and then stopped leaning on his arm, instead choosing to lean his head on the back of his throne and place his arm down. He did not say anything so Arthur continued.
“I have come to announce to you the men I knighted in our hour of need and that served our kingdom valiantly. By the law, not all were worthy of their, now, knighthood but each had shown me and hence this kingdom loyalty, strength and courage. I believe they earned the right and so hope that you will accept them as they are now; Knights of Camelot.”
During Arthur’s speech, Uther hardly battered an eyelid. He continued to look at Arthur but Arthur could see his eyes were unfocused and his thought’s not likely to be in the room. Grudgingly, Arthur proceeded to beckon to his newest men into the room, holding some hope that his father would respond.
The first to enter the room was Percival, followed but Gwen’s brother, Elyan. They were both donned in their mail and red capes/cloaks which possessed the Pendragon crest. They moved into the room and stopped a pace behind Arthur before walking to either side; Elyan to his left and Percival to his right.
Next to proceed into the room were Lancelot and Gwaine. They too wore their mail and capes/cloaks and stopped a pace behind Arthur, in line with the other two. Gwaine moved to stand next to Elyan, on Arthur’s left and Lancelot next to Percival, on Arthur’s right.
Uther made no comment or movement to protest of Percival or Elyan. He did react to Gwaine and Lancelot, though it was only to sit straighter on his throne and narrow his eyes at Arthur and then the two men in turn.
“I give you,” said Arthur as he first gestured to his left, “Sir Elyan…” Elyan knelt on one knee and bowed his head. “Sir Gwaine…” Gwaine repeated Elyan’s actions, though in a somewhat more casual fashion. Arthur gestured to his right before he continued. “Sir Percival…” Percival knelt before the king. “And Sir Lancelot,” Arthur finished and Lancelot fell to his knee.
Uther watched as each man knelt before him. Arthur had always been good at picking the best man to fight at his side and for Camelot. Though the men beside him now were not of noble blood, he supposed if Arthur was happy to have them at his side, why should he deny them? Arthur would be the one to fight with these men from now on. He could not fight like he used to when he was younger.
“Well Father?” Arthur asked, after Uther gave no indication of responding.
Uther supposed he would have to speak. “Arthur, if these…” he paused, not sure what to call the men before him. He supposed he should call them by what they are. “…knights have earned the right to be called such as you say they have… then I trust your judgement.” He turned to the gaze at the knights behind Arthur. “You may rise.”
When they all stood before him, he ended the audience. “You are dismissed.”
They all preformed a slight bow and turned to walk out of the throne room. With the door closed behind them, Uther slumped back into his original position.
Title: Knight’s Training
inspired_being Characters: Lancelot, Gwaine, Elyan, Percival, Leon, Merlin and Arthur
Genre: General
Words: ~860
Summary: Gwaine starts the fight and Arthur finishes it.
With the knights at his side and Merlin at his back, Arthur took control of the kingdom…
“All, I’m saying is that I don’t see why you haven’t been crowned King yet.”
“We’ve been through this, Merlin,” Arthur said through gritted teeth.
“But you act like you are the King and the people of Camelot see you as such. They don’t recognise your father any more. It is as if he-“
Arthur cut him off. “Don’t you dare say…” He would not say the words himself either. His father was alive.
He had not had himself crowned king. He did not see it moral to strip his father of the title. Uther had been the best king he had known how to be. He looked after his subjects the best way he had known how.
The knights waited for their Lord in the training yard. Lancelot was waving his new sword around, testing its balance and the feel as he pretended to thrust and twist it into the shoulder of an imaginary opponent.
Gwaine watched the man who rivalled his superior looks. His sword stuck in the ground at his side while he leaned on the hilt. “You should cut your hair.”
Lancelot looked around to where Gwaine was. “Were you referring to my hair?” he asked.
“No, I was referring to the guy behind you.”
Lancelot was not falling for that one. “There is no one behind me so you must be referring to me.”
Gwaine shock his head. “Nice observation.” He stopped leaning on his sword and pulled it out of the ground. With a switch of his hair, he pivoted to his left and started walking towards to practice dummies.
“Why do you turn your back on me?”
Gwaine stopped in his tracks, itching to turn at fight, but he was an outlaw and he did not need to prove himself to the likes of Lancelot. With that thought, he continued towards to dummies.
“I said, why do you turn your back on me?” Lancelot repeated, his voice louder than before. “Are you too cowardly to fight me?”
Gwaine was definitely not cowardly. In one swift motion he lifted his sword and swung it behind him, turning to face Lancelot as he did. The rival-comrade was there to parry the strike and that is how to sparring started.
They began in a small enough space, but soon their blows and movements got more elaborate. They encroached on the area where Elyan was practicing his blows on a line of three dummies. He had to think quickly in order to avoid their playful spat.
Next they entered the space where Leon was teaching some would-be knights the basics with Percival helping and it wasn’t long before they were all standing on the edge of the training yard watching the action.
“How long do you think this will last?” Elyan asked Percival.
“Since neither is likely to give up until they best the other, I’m not sure,” he replied.
Hearing the dark man’s question and the muscle’s ordinary response, Leon thought he would chime in. “It will finish when Arthur gets here and one of them realises his presents.”
“One guess who will be the one to notice,” Merlin commented. He had joined the crowd only moments before Elyan had asked his question. He wasn’t sure how he had beat Arthur to the training yard, but he had.
A few more minutes passed and Arthur was spotted walking toward them. Bets had been placed on who would be the first to notices his presence. The odds were in Lancelot’s favour but Gwaine still had some money wagered on him.
The prince sidled up beside Merlin. “At it again I see.”
“Yep,” said Merlin with a cheerful grin.
“Who started it this time?”
“Most likely Gwaine.” Leon replied this time.
“That wouldn’t surprise me,” Arthur sighed.
Of course, Lancelot was the first to realise Arthur’s presence. Leon was spewing. He would have to cough up to Percival and Merlin as well as some of the young wannabes.
Lancelot was parrying one of Gwaine’s blows when he spotted Arthur beside Merlin. As soon as he did he guided his sword around Gwaine’s blade, took a step back and lifted his hands to motion his opponent to stop the fight.
Over zealousness in his nature, that’s not what Gwaine did. Instead, he leapt forward with his sword out-stretched, it stopping mere centimetres from Lancelot’s chest. “Give up do you?”
“No, just acknowledging the Prince’s presences,” Lancelot replied calmly, a smile on his face.
Gwaine turned his head to look behind him to where he knew the knights had crowded to watch. Sure enough, he spied Arthur’s blonde hair and broad frame next to Merlin’s skinny form. He lowered his sword and gave a weak smile and wave in the Prince’s direction.
Arthur smiled and waved back.
Lancelot started to walk towards where the knights and Arthur stood. Gwaine fell in step with him. “We’re going to be in trouble, aren’t we?” he asked out of the side of his mouth while holding a smile in place.
Belated Merry Christmas =D
~*inspired being*~