Title: Hope.
Author: xGeminiGirlx
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Merlin/Morgana.
Word Count: 3,916.
Warnings: Light sexual themes.
Spoilers: Spoilers for 2x13.
Disclaimer: I do not own BBC Merlin nor the characters from the Legend.
Summary: "Let me help you." He constantly offered to help her, to nurture and love her, yet he never asked her to come back to Camelot with him. Even in his older years he knew better then to lead her straight to Arthur. Merlin/Morgana. One-shot.
Author's notes: I originally posted this on "Fanfiction.net" under the same username. =]
So, this is some nitty gritty Mergana stuff that needed to come out. Unfortunately for all of us fans, the road ahead isn't going to be one of fluff. Enjoy!
Hope here.