CeceCalabrese [16 April]
■So, we missed our chance to see #Cumberbatch, but behind walls at the #Globe we got to watch #ColinMorgan rehearse :) pic.twitter.com/vMcY8Wtwrz [picture of theatre exterior]
■@Colinwebsite got to watch rehearsals today! No photographs out of respect to the Actors. Colin will be brilliant as Ariel! So agile!
Team Merlin [16-17 April]
■Visit 2 @The_Globe 2day 4 the tour & exhibition..saw some #tempest rehearsals..really wish I hadn't..*spoilers*..all I can say is OMGosh
■@SimplyMorgan @OmfgILoveIt I went on the Globe tour yesterday & saw him on stage doing rehearsals..U WILL BE SHOCKED...*I know I was* :O
■@ColinMorganShow @SimplyMorgan @OmfgILoveIt @The_Globe Yeps..I'd say was in about 95% costume..but I won't say what it was like because of spoilers
■@TW_1D_Lawson @ColinMorganShow @SimplyMorgan @OmfgILoveIt @The_Globe No pictures aloud..*spoilers*