Updates 29 Oct-1 Nov: Bradley in LA pics; Colin/Katie BBC Radio pic; S5 Asia airdate & more

Nov 02, 2012 20:06

American actor
Curt Mega
tweeted a picture of Bradley dressed as Adam Ant for Halloween at a party in Los Angeles on 31 October.  (
Halloweening w/ @bradleyjames @freddiestroma @georgeflattery @its_meggers @DominicMBarnes @faith_ramsey! http://instagr.am/p/RefCkam3Sp/
@BradleyJames great meeting and hanging with you, brother! Let's do it again soon! :D

LaurenChavez @titusmakin @curtmega @kimberly_whalen @faith_ramsey @DominicMBarnes @bradleyjames @brookiecoleman @its_meggers http://lockerz.com/s/258229936 [1 Nov]

On 22 October, Bradley tweeted a picture from the Giants baseball game in San Francisco, as part of his visit to the US.

BBC Radio 1 released a new photo taken during Colin and Katie's recent appearance on the show.

Richard is returning to the city of Sheffield to direct a new play called Straight. Full details in this The Star article.

Asia - S5 Airdate: 11 November

DIVA Universal.Asia facebook page:  Hey Merlin fans! Season 5 will premiere on DIVA Universal on Sunday Nov11. We're kicking off with a double episode from 7PM/6PM Th-Jkt  Click here for S5 trailer.

Win Merlin Prizepacks.
To be in the running to win a 2013 calendar, S4 DVD boxset and Merlin figurine, follow Cultbox on twitter.  Full details here.  Winners drawn 9 November.

Cold Con
For up-to-date retweets of the Cold Con on Saturday 3 November, follow our dedicated convention twitter,  mn_comiccon

:sighting, !update post, media: photos, actor: katie mcgrath, actor: tom hopper, actor: eoin macken, :airing schedule, year: 2012, media: tweets by others, radio: bbc, actor: colin morgan, actor: richard wilson, series: 5, actor: bradley james

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