Bradley- 'Fast Girls' video interview with 'omg UK', plus sighting and fan photo

Oct 05, 2012 02:47

Fast Girls
omg! UK has released a 6.33 minute video interview with Bradley from the set of Fast Girls. Amongst other topics, he discusses his character Carl, what it was like working with Noel Clarke, and how he trained for his role.  Thanks to BJs Realm for uploading to YouTube.

image Click to view

Bradley was spotted in a Cardiff restaurant on 3 October.  It was clarified below that Bradley was NOT on crutches - his dining companion was.

■@BradleyJames My friend just saw you eating in Chimi Changa Cardiff, she rung me and was very excited. Why are you on crutches? :(
■@bipbip7 My friend rung and said he was hobbling around on crutches, I don't know any more details.

quirkyus3rname on tumblr wrote about her friend's experience in meeting Bradley on 3 October and also shared the photo she had taken with him.
She was in cardiff at a restaurant, and he was there. I got a text saying “I think I saw Bradley James… FUCK!” And I was all “Just take a sneaky picture and I shall see.” And then she freaked… And freaked a little bit more… And then I got the text saying that it was him and that they had a picture together. :)
I think he was with a friend on crutches. XDYou know, as you do! I dunno if I should share it cos you know, it’s not me. >_> Otherwise, I’d be all “LOOK AT DIS MUDDERFACKERS.” ;3
Anonymous asked: Hi, just for clarification - was Bradley James himself on crutches, or the person he was with? [snip] No no, it was his friend. Apparently when they took the picture, his friend said “Smile for the cripple!” [snip]
Anonymous asked: Did they chat for long & if so what about? [snip] Umm, not for that long apparently. She thought he was leaving so she like grabbed his arm and asked for a picture, and then he was only on his starter course… So when she was sitting at her table freaking out over meetng him, he was on a table opposite her and could see her :P [snip]

:sighting, media: video, media: photos, film: fast girls, year: 2012, magazine: other, year: 2011, media: tweets by others, media: tumblr, actor: bradley james

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