S5 filming spoilers (30 May - 1 June)

Jun 02, 2012 08:12

Detailed filming reports

youbreccia was able to watch Merlin filming on May 30th and 31st and shared some details on Tumblr.
30 May filming
31 May filming part 1
31 May filming part 2 with some set photos (actors not featured)
Reply to a question about Colin's height
Alice Troughton tweeted that she was not the director during the filming, when asked on Twitter.

Other filming tweets
30 May

eoincmacken: "I really have to start going to bed earlier for 530am pick up times....it just feels like being in school going to bed before 12zzzz"

MerlinOfficial: "#Merlin‬ has just finished filming at the stunning Clearwell Caves, spooky but fascinating and well worth a visit! www.clearwellcaves.com"
31 May

PrivateJoker360: "The BBC filming Merlin in Puzzlewood today. #herefordshire #bbc #puzzlewood #merlin #forestofdean #filming # http://instagr.am/p/LTFvskTFmF/"

eoincmacken: "It's true what they say about taking a piss in the woods....you don't choose the tree, the tree chooses you...."

Viennarose_TWx: "They're filming Merlin in the forest of dean tomorrow, I want to go see them :-( they're keeping the horses where I ride ;o"
1 June

Giggleicious: "Merlin filming in the forest http://instagr.am/p/LVHwUSKgXm/ via @instagram with @zoe_coleman and @eoincmacken little squee"

zoe_coleman: "Have just been watching Merlin being filmed in the Forest of Dean, amazing to see Merlin, King Arthur and the Knights!"

:series 5 filming, :filming report, media: photos, *spoilers for series 5, media: cast tweets, year: 2012, series: 5

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