Love on the Campus of Dragons

Apr 11, 2013 16:19

Title: Love on the Campus of Dragons
Rating: NC-17
Characters/pairings: Leon/Morgana, Gwen/Arthur, Gwen/Lance, Arthur/Gwaine, Arthur/Merlin, Gwaine/Morgana/Leon, Gaius, Percival, Elyan
Warnings (including spoilers): Explicit sex, some swears
Summary: The golden age of the fencers of Camelot University may have come to an end as a betrayal rocks their foundations. Can Merlin bring them back together? Or will another secret tear him apart as well?

pairing: gwaine/morgana, ship: gwaine/morgana, character: gwen, character: arthur, ship: arthur/merlin, medium: fic, ship: leon/morgana, character: morgana, character: merlin, fic type: multi-chapter, ship: arthur/gwen, ship: gwen/lancelot

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