Fic: A New Era, Chapter 1 [Arthur & Gwen]

Oct 05, 2012 09:17

Title: A New Era, Chapter One.
Rating: PG-13 (for now). May go higher in later chapters.
Word count: 1,620 so far…
Characters/Pairings: Gwen, Arthur, Merlin, OC, Arthur/Gwen.
Spoilers/Warnings: This story is based on spoilers that series 5 is to be set three years in the future. The rest is purely from my imagination.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Merlin. It belongs to Shine! If I did A/G would have three kids by now!
Summary: It’s been over three years and yet Arthur and Gwen remain childless, putting a lot of pressure on the queen to produce an heir and one soon.
Author’s notes: Thanks must go to mara93 for her support and help in writing this fic. She was also kind enough to beta this for me. So if anything sounds better, or my pacing looks to be improved, it’s all thanks to her.

As always, comments and feedback are welcomed and encouraged! I would really love to know what you think!

"What is it with you and your armour?” She teases..."

fic type: multi-chapter, ship: arthur/gwen, medium: fic

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