ag-fics promo: Long Challenge 4 Check Up Post/Poll!!!!!

Jun 22, 2012 08:18

Writers Check Up Post/Poll!

This is just a post letting writers know that I've opened up a poll  HERE at ag-fics to check up on people's progress with their entries and to see how many people will be participating. We have yet to receive any feedback and are in need of some. So if you are planning to participate or are participating and need an extension, please follow the link and fill out the poll. Otherwise we won't know!

There is still time for people to participate and if you would like to use one of the graphics as inspiration for your entries, please go here to nominate the graphics you would like to use.

Remember that the deadline for entries is the 7th July @ 11:59PM (World Clock)


ship: arthur/gwen, promos

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