Two A/G Drabbles (for the Merlin Fluff Fest)

Nov 26, 2011 10:29

Here are two drabbles I did for the Merlin Fluff Fest on tumblr hosted by the lovely rubber-glue!

Title: Quest
Author: ella-rose88
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Arthur, Gwen, Merlin, A/G
Disclaimer: Merlin doesn't belong to me, rather it belongs to Shine and BBC. If it did A/G would be married already and have lots of lots of babies LOL!
Spoilers/Warnings None!
Summary: Arthur, Gwen and Merlin go on a road trip!
A/N: This drabble is based on a prompt by rubber-glue where A/G go on a quest. I wrote this for her birthday which was yesterday! I hope you like it bb!


Title: The First Time it Snowed in Camelot
Author: ella-rose88
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Arthur, Gwen, OC, A/G
Disclaimer: Merlin doesn't belong to me, rather it belongs to Shine and BBC. If it did A/G would be married already and have lots of lots of babies LOl!
Spoilers/Warnings None!
Summary: The first times it snows in Camelot.
A/N: This drabble is based on a prompt by mylifeasafangirl: "A/G - The first time it snowed in Camelot".

The First Time it Snowed in Camelot

ship: arthur/gwen, fic type: drabble

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