I just found this today via linkslinks of
metafandom, and while its old, I think, its never been linked here or through the merlin bbc newsletter :)
Some of you might be interested:
Meta: Power dynamics in Merlin slash [The Mad Lurker]
http://themadlurker.dreamwidth.org/17648.html I was reading [personal profile] rageprufrock's latest fic, Coronation, and it brought up a lot of thoughts about the nature of slash and the reasons, or effects, of writing it instead of het.
And so I ask myself, does this overt removal of the female-gendered role, when accompanied by its covert reintegration, actually serve to alter the power balance between the two genders - or pseudo-genders - in fic?
I said this was sparked by reading [personal profile] rageprufrock's fic, in which Merlin takes on the "feminine role" - a fairly typical development in Merlin/Arthur slash fic. There are various indicators of this alignment, but one of the clearest seems to be the repeated comparison of his behaviour to that of a "fish wife".